Blog Post 4
The ELA technology standards were implemented to help equip students to learn how to utilize the newer technologies that have become available and in the recent years. The LAFS.4.SL.2.5 ELA standard for 4th graders states that the student should be able to add voice recording to different types of media. This is extremely helpful later in life whenever composing presentations and other media to display to an audience. I feel like this can be applied fairly easy in a classroom and I feel like I have adequate skill to teach this standard. It could be as simple as a quick narration of a PowerPoint or an audio clip embedded into a digital project.
The robotics on a budget project for fourth graders requires the students to propose a new robot set for an after school enrichment program. The student is presented with four models and they must stay under a budget of $2,000. They must utilize adding, subtracting, and multiplying in order to efficiently select the best possible model for the after school program. They are also given criteria to help them select the best one to accomplish their goal. This helps students with critical thinking and mathematics as well as teaching them the value of robotics in our day and age.
As a teacher, it is extremely important to be able to confidently search and use all the searching tools available. This can help you gain access to new tools and activities that you might be able to implement in your own classroom. Searching for different file types is also a helpful tool that I did not know about before this module. This will help me find specific media to embed into different digital platforms such as JPEG's and PNG's. One search tool I used in web design was searching for specific image sizes to properly fit inside my website. This is also helpful for simple things like selecting a computer background or an image for a presentation.
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