Blog Post 7

As I was browsing through class pages, I decided to take a trip down memory lane and visit my high schools’ website. There I found several of my old teachers’ websites that were posted publicly for parents and students to view. Mr. Brennan was my old economics and government teacher, and he was one of my favorites when it came to engaging students and making class enjoyable. On his class website you can view several links including some of the first homework assignments as well as the syllabus and course outline. This trend followed for most of the teacher’s websites and none were too in depth when it came to class information.

Class websites are an easy way to organize course materials in a single place that allows parents and students to access class information. If I were a teacher, I would likely use my class website to help students stay organized and give them a single place they can view everything they need for my class. Some teachers like using other resources to organize certain parts of their class but this ends up creating a convoluted mess. It’s also easier for students to lose track of assignment due dates and miss assignments all together which negatively affects their grade. If I decided to use teacher productivity tools for my class like Quizlet and class blog posts, I would link these materials in my class website to help keep myself and my students organized.

The wiki platform was a very new experience for me and took some getting used to. I am not very familiar with the interface and it made it difficult to accomplish some of the tasks for the assignment early on. After learning some of the tools offered by PBworks, it became easier to accomplish some of the goals and offered ways for me to better interact with the viewer of the site. Overall, the site felt very clunky and dated which is why I would lean towards a google interactive platform to help keeps students engaged and create a cohesive platform they can interact on.


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