Blog Post 10

 Surveys are a great tool for teachers to gather information from students and parents to better assist their students. Most people would use end of the course surveys which is a great way to get feedback from students to see what material and education they received was meaningful. Another great use of surveys would be to send a survey to parents at the beginning of the year to see their preferred modes of communication. I would wend out surveys on a weekly basis asking students for a couple of things that they learned in class this week.

It was interesting going through my classmates blogs and seeing some of the information that they are taking away from these assignments. The nice thing about this class is we are a pretty blended group who all come from different backgrounds. We also have different levels of experience creating things like class websites and interactive PowerPoints. I enjoyed reading in particular their feedback in blog post 9 about how they are navigating distance learning. We are all in the same boat when it comes to approaching this very unknown and specific situation and hearing how each person is dealing with it is extremely helpful.

One skill that I have always wanted to become proficient at is video editing because I believe it can benefit a multitude of people. Videos are an easy way to make information sharing fun and exciting. Educating people or students through this platform makes information more accessible and more engaging. Material also seems to sink in more when it is listened to and viewed at the same time. Video editing would help make the viewing experience better and keep people engaged in the material.


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